View Profile doogy300

11 Movie Reviews

And they think WE'RE the noobs?

Incredibly accurate. Those morons are all
just 10-year olds using hacks (yeah they're
dumb enough to buy duals yet smart enough
to operate hacks).
I can't tell you how many times such events
have happened. Except for the TKers.
Or dumbass admins. Every game there's one.
Excellent flash.

More! More!

I couldn't stop laughing, this was so damn funny.
Please make more! Do Episode V next! I'll be waiting!


Fantastic series! Incredibly funny and clever!
Maybe the next one could be about the guys
making their own console! (hey it's worth a shot).
It's also good to see fellow British people.
Keep 'em coming! I'm waiting for the next one!


It's a really good piece of Flash. And it marks the beginning
of a whole new series; hopefully more flash artists will step forward and create four-swords adventures movies similar to this.
Keep it all up! I'm waiting for the next exciting installment!

Make more! MAKE MORE!!!................please?

Dude this flash (and the prequel) rocks! Very ingenious and well-done. Here's an idea: why not go one step further and turn it into a game where the player has to defeat the animation stick with a variety of tools? You know, like the tools in Flash, or other stuff. You decide. That would be cool.
Keep 'em coming!

You need to fix that button

I could not get far at all without a button. Try this code
(works for Flash MX and up):

<button instance name>.onRelease = function (){
gotoAndPlay("Scene <no.>", <frame no.>);

It's a good idea to learn at least the basic ActionScript before
you attempt to put some interactivity in. Once you have the submission working, I'll check it out and give a more reasonable review. M'kay?

This redefines "weird"

You need a new word cuz weird just doesn't cut it.
...no, I don't hate the series. They're actually really good.
So don't listen to the jerkoffs who say oherwise
(they're the guys who grow up to be 40-year old virgins working
in a thrift store anyway)
So yah this series is cool. Weird, but cool. God job.

Perfect Kirby MEANS "Perfect"!

The Perfect Kirby series are really great. I love watching them
and laughing at kirby's violent outlook on life. Keep making more!
Plus, the new GUI (graphic user interface) that you put in there was a really nice touch.

What? You've never met someone who's IQ is probably higher than yours? Ha! I'm kidding. Seriously, though, watch out for those whos IQ is less than their shoe size.

Adam Dooling @doogy300

Age 35, Male

Atlanta, GA

Joined on 9/28/06

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> 100,000
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